Saturday, January 24, 2009

Photoshop Image

Piggy’s Demise
This digital image is based upon a scene in William Golding’s Lord of the Flies when Piggy is killed by a boulder set loose by one of the other boys as the rest of the group watches. The background /base image used was a photographic tableau created by my group in class 1 to illustrate this scene. In the original version of our photograph, a wastebasket was used for the boulder, one student pretended to be Piggy by lying on the floor and two other students pretended to be members of the group who were responsible for Piggy’s death. In this manipulated version, a real boulder is included along with a piggybank face for Piggy and fly faces for the members of the group.


  1. Looks almost like the 1963 movie!

  2. Great combination of tableau AND digital image manipulation! Nice work.
